Bestpass by Fleetworthy & Geotab® Integration
A Click and Connect Solution
Bestpass and Geotab Integration

Who is Geotab
Geotab is a global leader in connected transportation solutions, providing telematics solutions for vehicle and asset tracking to over 50,000 customers in 160 countries. Geotab uses AI and data intelligence to help companies improve the safety, productivity and sustainability of their operations with real-time data.

What an Integration with Geotab Means
Geotab creates geospatial reports around the data that matters to your fleet. But toll data has historically been missing from this data set. Now, with an integration with Bestpass by Fleetworthy, real-time toll activity is loaded directly into the myGeotab dashboard, improving efficiency, productivity and customer experience while also reducing risk. With toll data added to the fleet ecosystem, fleets can make more proactive decisions that positively impact their business.
New Features
Toll Miles Report
What's Included: The Toll Miles Report helps fleets track total toll miles and toll costs on toll roads. It provides information on the total number of vehicles using toll roads, the total toll miles, the total toll cost, and the average toll cost per mile for the whole fleet over a specific period.
Benefits: The report can be used for planning routes, setting budgets, and preparing tax reports. By giving a detailed look at toll miles and costs, fleet managers can make informed decisions about routes and manage costs more effectively.
Optimization Report
What's included: The Optimization Report analyzes all the plate tolls for a fleet to recommend the best transponder for each vehicle that incurred the plate toll. It compares the plate toll amount with the transponder toll and shows the possible savings of using a transponder.
Benefits: The report provides multiple toll transponder options based on the tolls incurred by each vehicle, allowing managers to choose the best-fit transponder for each vehicle’s travel patterns. This helps fleet managers make informed decisions to reduce toll costs and improve operational efficiency.
With Toll Genius, you'll see improvements in:

- Visibility by way of toll activity reports as well as toll match and reconciliation
- Optimization of coverage audit capabilities
- Elimination of unauthorized toll
- Opportunity to dispatch more efficient routes
- Forecast future toll expenses

- Match toll charge to customer, trip, driver, or load
- More accurate job costing/load costing and toll forecasting
- Better optimized routes that take toll into consideration along with fuel and time
- Cost center allocation
- Single pane of glass view via MyGeotab™️
- Order, reassign, and manage transponders in one place

Risk Reduction
- Fraud detection on transponder abuse
- Reduce loss for toll costs on loads, trips, and jobs
- Off hours reporting to recoup unauthorized toll
- Ability to focus on safety and not toll administration

Bestpass by Fleetworthy Toll Genius Customers Gain:
- Volume discounts on toll roads you already travel on
- Reduced violations
- Elimination of paper toll in the mail
- Ability to get back to what you were hired to do – focus on driver safety, and fleet productivity and efficiency
Geotab Customers Gain:
- Location data and geospatial mapping to understand where activity is occurring
- Best-in-class reporting and dashboards
- Vehicle activity tracking
- Trip and routing data
- Ability to manage transponder within myGeotab
How to Get the Integration
In order to be eligible for this integration, you must be both a Bestpass by Fleetworthy and a Geotab customer. To find out how to get this integration, first fill out the form below and select the option from below that best applies to you.
I am a Bestpass by Fleetworthy customer (I don’t have Geotab)
I use a Bestpass device in my vehicles and leverage the Bestpass portal to report on and see my toll activity in one place.
I would like to put more geographical context around my toll activity and be able to better reconcile our transactions.
I am a Geotab customer (I don’t have Bestpass by Fleetworthy)
I use Geotab to find and correct inefficiencies in my fleet management.
I don’t currently have a good solution for toll and would like to round out my data with a toll management provider.
I am both a Bestpass by Fleetworthy and Geotab customer
I use both Bestpass and Geotab and have seen many benefits from both. However, I don’t have the integration to bring my toll data into myGeotab dashboard.
I don’t have either Bestpass by Fleetworthy or Geotab
I don’t have either solution, but would be interested in learning more to see how they can help my fleet.
I am a Geotab Reseller
I am a Geotab reseller and would like to partner to offer this integration to my customers.